How to beat #FOMO

FOMO: Fear of missing out.

Some have it, some had it and some are lucky enough just not to give a damn. So bare with me if you are a part of the ones who actually DO have it.

Needless to say, it is a Saturday night and I am choosing to stay in, nonetheless, fearing of missing out is a shitty thing to have. I mean, in the end you go out only just to be like:


But, whenever something comes up, and you know exactly how it will end up and yet you choose to think it will be different; kind of like going back to an ex boyfriend or throwing in #YOLO (Guilty)  when you know, neither your energy or wallet can bare another repetitive evening as the previous. Don’t get me wrong, obviously no nights out are the same- but in most cases some of us would have rather stayed in and watched movies or do things that could have actually benefitted us for the next day, instead of having to recover from a dreaded hangover. But no, we choose to think that: “If we’re not there, something absolutely amazing is going to happen”.

Newsflash, to myself as well (I like to share my epiphanies, once I get them), it’s time to put yourself first and prioritise, and I reckon, if you do just that, the fear will slowly disappear, nonetheless; it is important to maintain your relationships with your friends.

As you have established, I also have a FOMO, But I want to put these few tricks to the test:

Treat yourself, not your friends

So, instead of going out, second time in a row, rather choose to do things you don’t get around to in the week, pamper yourself: do your nails, wash your hair or just get some sleep you’ve been missing out on.


I am pretty sure that if you start out throwing out all your unwanted clothing, or busy fooling around with things you have forgotten about; your FOMO will disappear, and with that, you’re actually getting some stuff done.

Make a budget

By doing this you can plan your expenses and know whether you can afford to go out “just once more” or by using the money you would’ve spent, to buy yourself a new pair of shoes or piece of clothing you’ve been eyeing.

Find your hobbies

Instead of going out, and knowing what will happen- take some time and do what you really enjoy doing; pick up that book that has been covered in dust or watch your favourite series, and finally find out what happens next. If you’re not into those kind of stuff, do whatever tickles your fancy- maybe even take on a new hobby, the options are endless.


We all know that in our busy schedule, we don’t see our family as much as we would have liked to, but make a point of it to invite/join your family for dinner to catch up- nothing beats bonding-time.

Remember what is important

Is it more important to go out with your friends than finishing an assignment, studying for an important test or a family dinner? Whatever the case might be: Prioritise.

By tasi13 ( Tasia Brummer )